Privacy Policy - Xantias Website
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Privacy Policy

Privacy at Xantias Financial Management

Xantias Financial Management believes your privacy is very important. We are bound by the Privacy Act, including the National Privacy Principles and we treat our obligations seriously. 


To effectively conduct our business, we may need to collect certain personal information. Xantias is bound by the Privacy Act, including the National Privacy Principles and we treat our obligations seriously. Our staff will undergo in-house training to comply with our privacy policy and staff training will be updated as needed.


Collection of Personal Information

We may collect personal information including (but not limited to):


  • Name, address, employment details and contact information
  • Details pertaining to current financial circumstances (such as assets and liabilities)
  • Financial objectives, tolerance to risk and investment preferences
  • Information about certain dealings with us and our clients


Personal information is obtained to provide clients and others with products, services and information; to facilitate business operations, and meet legal requirements. You are under no obligation to provide personal information. However, without this information we may be unable to provide you with appropriate products and services.


We generally collect your personal information from you when you deal with us in person, over the phone or send us correspondence (via email, fax or letter).


Occasionally, we may need to source personal information about you from a third party such as an organisation with whom you have dealings or from a publicly maintained record. When we collect information in this way, we will make reasonable attempts to inform you about the purpose for which we are collecting the information and how it may be disclosed.


Disclosure of Personal Information

Your personal information is used for the purpose for which it was collected and related purposes. This means that personal information may be disclosed:


  • To other areas within Xantias in connection with providing services
  • To any person where necessary in connection with our provision of financial services such as financial advisors, insurers, brokers and regulatory authorities
  • To service providers, on a confidential basis, who have been contracted to provide services to Xantias in connection with the operation of our business.
  • When required by law
  • With permission from the client


Security of Personal Information

At all times your personal information is treated as confidential and we protect any personal information that we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

Electronically stored information is protected by computer and network security such as logins and passwords. We also maintain physical security over hard copy documents including locks and security systems.


Access to Personal Information

You may request access to personal information we hold about you at any time and you may advise Xantias of any perceived inaccuracy.  We endeavour to ensure that the personal information we hold is accurate and up-to-date.  Where we are required to provide access under the Privacy Act, we will respond to your request within 14 days.  We may charge you a fee where access is provided.  Access to personal information can be arranged by contacting:


The Privacy Officer

Xantias Financial Management

Level 19, 90 Collins Street


Telephone: +61 3 8626 0888
Facsimile: +61 3 8626 0833


Complaints Concerning our Privacy Policy

If you believe that any action of Xantias breaches this Privacy Policy or the National Privacy Principles or otherwise doesn’t respect your privacy, you are entitled to make a complaint.  All complaints under this policy will be treated seriously and acted upon promptly.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may contact the Commonwealth Privacy Commissioner’s hotline on 1300 363 992.