Disclaimer - Xantias Website
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This website has been prepared by Xantias Financial Management Pty Ltd in good faith to provide information of a general nature only about the company to customers, shareholders and the public. While Xantias Financial Management Pty Ltd has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that such information is accurate and up to date, it does not warrant its reliability, accuracy or completeness and users of this website should obtain independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.


It should be noted that past performance is not necessarily indicative, or a guarantee, of future performance. All information displayed on the website, including but not limited to product and service information, fees, unit and share prices, gearing and interest rates, tax information and performance figures, is subject to change without notice.


Subject to any provisions in the Trade Practices Act (or other similar legislation) to the contrary, neither Xantias Financial Management Pty Ltd nor any of its employees shall be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, injury or costs however caused (whether by negligent act or omission or otherwise) arising from the use of or reliance on such information. (Including links to other organisations internet websites).